Tekst piosenki Bittersweet Goodbye
I knew straight up when I met you I sawit in your eyes said it would be like
mine just don't think I'll ever forget
you no no
no but those moments spent with you till
the SK eyes turning blue I'll see you on
the other side we'll say a bitter sweet
tonight can we keep this High alive
tonight I'll see you at another life do
it all again sometime we'll say a bit of
sweet goodbye
tonight a bit
I knew straight up when I met you I saw
it in your eyes said it will be like
mine just don't think I'll ever forget
you no no
no but those moments spent with you till
the skies turning blue I'll see you on
the other side we'll say a bitter sweet
tonight can we keep this High alive
tonight I'll see you in another light
do it all again sometime we say a bit of
sweet goodbye
tonight better you
goodbye tonight
HBz, Jerome and Robin White - Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) Tekst piosenki
Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) w wykonaniu HBz, Jerome & Robin White - Bittersweet Goodbye tekstowo Robin White & HBz, Jerome - Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) o czym jest piosenka Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) HBz, Jerome & Robin White Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) słowa HBz, Jerome & Robin White - Bittersweet Goodbye Text HBz, Jerome & Robin White - Bittersweet Goodbye lyrics HBz, Jerome & Robin White - Bittersweet Goodbye (Extended Mix) TekstTeledysk do piosenki
Bittersweet Goodbye