HAEVN & Birdy - Open Hearts
Tekst piosenki Open Hearts
[Verse 1: HAEVN]
When you’re cold and lost
And your dreams turned into dust
Losing all you ever fought for
Broken down alone in the dark
Almost beaten but that’s not who you are
Open hearts
Forever young
One day your change will come
You only feel it
When you share it with someone
You only feel it
When you share it with someone
[Verse 2: Birdy]
We’ll wake up
From this fear
Like flowers in concrete
One day I feel the sunrise with you
See the world light up in your eyes
Longing never diеs
Open hearts
Forevеr young
One day your change will come
You only feel it
When you share it with someone
Just wait for a little while longer
Wait for a little while
Just wait for a little while longer
Wait for a little while
Just wait for a little while longer
Wait for a little while
Just wait for a little while longer
If you almost stop
Open hearts
Forever young
One day a change will come
You only feel it
When you share it with someone
You only feel it
When you share it with someone
It doesn’t mean much till you share it with someone
Birdy & HAEVN - Open Hearts tekst piosenki
HAEVN & Birdy - Open Hearts tekstowo Open Hearts HAEVN & Birdy Open Hearts słowaTeledysk do piosenki
Open Hearts
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Open Hearts
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Open Heartstakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć
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