Tekst piosenki: Back in the water Haevn

Haevn - Back in the water

Tekst piosenki Back in the water

You're back in the rain, in over your head
Back in the deep, old things unsaid
Back in the water, we're back in the water
I'm leaving a last call for your heart
Begging for so long

Won't you come back in the water, back in the water
The night fell slowly on our glory days
I lie awake to see you fade away
You're lost without a trace

And when you're hiding underwater
I'll be waiting 'til you're ready for my love
When you've washed away your sorrow
I'll be right here, 'til you're ready for the road

'Cause I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
'Cause I will go with (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
I will go with

So tell me your lies and all your fears
What took away your faith from here?
Back in the water, back in the water
I'm waiting for so long, won't you hide
Trade in your darkness for the light
Back in the water, back in the water

The night fell slowly on our glory days

And when you're hiding underwater
I'll be waiting 'til you're ready for my love
When you've washed away your sorrow
I'll be right here, 'til you're ready for the road

I'll be on the watch until it's over
I'll put my back against the door
Your love is easier on the road
Not anymore
I'm feeling the way the song should
I see your dark clouds in the room
I find the stream that pulls you under
Not anymore

'Cause I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
'Cause I will go with (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
To where you're hiding underwater (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
'Cause I will go with, I will go with you (wherever you want, let's stay forever)
I will go with

Haevn - Back in the water tekst piosenki

Haevn - Back in the water tekstowo Haevn - Back in the water słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
Back in the water

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Back in the water

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Back in the water
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Back in the water tekst piosenki Haevn
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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