Tekst piosenki: Echoes Of War Great American Ghost

Great American Ghost - Echoes Of War

Tekst piosenki Echoes Of War

You are beckoned by command
Speak when you're spoken to
Do all they ask
And fucking thank them
The paradox of repentance
Where is your spine
Does it cling to dependence
The dream dissolved
The cross fell down
You can enter the kingdom
But you'll never wear the crown
The shine of a thousand eyes
Burning through the floor
A paradise awaits in flames

You always come back for more
And I gave you it all
The sorrow that we swore
Would die as we repent
For the echoes of our war
A dream is a lie
Without a memory
Free will is a lie
From an enemy
All hail the horrid creation
Prophecy of the forsaken
The dead depart
Into the ground
You can enter the kingdom
But you'll never wear the crown
The shine of a thousand eyes
Burning through the floor
A paradise awaits in flames
You always come back for more
And I gave you it all
The sorrow that we swore
Would die as we repent
For the echoes of our war
(A Hex On You)
(A Hex On You)
Delusions of hope
Stolen with every breath
(A Hex On You)
The curse around your neck
Will drag you to your death
A hex on you
The curse around your neck
Will drag you to your death
A dream is a lie
Without a memory
Free will is a lie
From an enemy

Great American Ghost - Echoes Of War tekst piosenki

Echoes Of War Great American Ghost - Echoes Of War tekstowo Echoes Of War o czym jest piosenka Echoes Of War Great American Ghost - Echoes Of War Tekst Echoes Of War Great American Ghost Echoes Of War słowa

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Echoes Of War

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Great American Ghost

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Echoes Of War

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Echoes Of War
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Echoes Of War tekst piosenki Great American Ghost
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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