Tekst piosenki: Tarantula Gorillaz

Gorillaz - Tarantula

Tekst piosenki Tarantula

I think the sadness has come again
Green velvet in a passing den
No bloodiness, no gold earring
Right outside for you

Nothing will be bad for me then too
I just want to put my arms 'round you
And whisper
I'm on one percent but I'm there with you

I know I fantasise
Although I don't even mind
If you're good for me
Then I'm good for you
And that's all I need

In my life

Through polymer dunes I dance tonight
With you frozen under mirrored lights
No ways out, only ways in
To my heart
As the calling seems to grow again
It's a problem that I can't remend
Always with you

I know I fantasise
Although I don't even mind
If you're good for me
Then I'm good for you
And that's all I need
In my life

Time's run out (In my life)
Nowhere real (In my life)
In the hills (In my life)
What I feel (On my own, on my own, on my own)
On my own
(Even) Time run out
I need you

Only ways in to my heart
Need you, I need you, I need you, I need you

If you're good for me
Then I'm good for you
And that's all I need
In my life

I know I fantasise
Although I don't even mind
If you're good for me
Then I'm good for you
And that's all I need
In my life

Time's run out (In my life) (Need you)
Nowhere real (In my life)
In the hills (In my life)
Is what I feel (In my life, in my life, in my life, in my life)
(Need you, I need you, I need you, I need you)
On my own
Time run out (If you're good for me, then I'm good for you)
I need you (And that's all I need in my life)

Gorillaz - Tarantula tekst piosenki

Gorillaz - Tarantula tekstowo Tarantula Gorillaz Tarantula słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Tarantula
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Tarantula tekst piosenki Gorillaz
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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