Tekst piosenki: Meanwhile Gorillaz

Gorillaz - Meanwhile (feat. Jelani Blackman & Barrington Levy)

Tekst piosenki Meanwhile

[Verse 1: Jelani Blackman]
Hey, I don't mind change
I don't like hate (Nah)
See when the sound system break
We make the system shake (Bully)
When a girl wanna swing my way
Play street with the street that I played
But I'm on a street over here, all saints
Imagine no saints when you wake, hey
That's a good taste, hm, that's a good space
Hey, this ain't my place
Like that's some real wave (Hm)
I'm missing so deeply
Or put that shit on my grave
I buck and sway (And sway)

Ten toes for the rave in the ring, hey (Let's)

[Chorus: Jelani Blackman]
I love carnival beers (Go)
It don't feel the same (Lеt's)
That's cool, don't get in my way (Go)
In fact, don't migrate
(Let's) Yеah, and we like champagne
But we like Red Stripe and we like rave (Go)
It don't feel the same
That's cool, don't get in my way (Let's go)

[Verse 2: Jelani Blackman]
Oh, back in day
Notting Hill weren't no film
Tell the boys on my granddad outside, buy it back
Take 'cuz his bones like stone (Hm)
Salon in Ireland, they were really out there in the field
When the vibe was real, that's why I get out of my feels (Let's go)
And I know that I can't fucking live here still (Go)

[Chorus: Jelani Blackman]
It don't feel the same (Let's)
That's cool, don't get in my way (Go)
In fact, don't migrate
(Let's) Yeah, we like champagne
But we like Red Stripe and we like rave (Go)
It don't feel the same
That's cool, don't get in my way (Let's go)

[Bridge: 2-D & Barrington Levy]
Yeah, it's just the same as I thought it would be
When I was in carnival
I followed your principle
Do you really think I'd leave you?

[Chorus: Jelani Blackman]
Uh, I love carnival beers (Go)
It don't feel the same (Let's)
That's cool, don't get in my way (Go)
In fact, don't migrate (Let's)
Yeah, we like champagne
But we like Red Stripe and we like rave (Go)
It don't feel the same
That's cool, don't get in my way (Let's go)

[Bridge: 2-D & Barrington Levy]
Yeah, it's just the same as I thought it would be
When I was in carnival
Dancing on protocol
Do you really think I'd forget you?

[Chorus: Jelani Blackman]
Said I love carnival beers
It don't feel the same
That's cool, don't get in my way
In fact, don't migrate
Mmm, we like champagne
But we like Red Stripe and we like rave
It don't feel the same
That's cool, don't get in my way

Gorillaz - Meanwhile tekst piosenki

Gorillaz - Meanwhile... ft. Jelani Blackman with Barringtone Levy Gorillaz feat. Jelani Blackman & Barrington Levy - Meanwhile tekstowo Meanwhile Gorillaz Meanwhile słowa Jelani Blackman & Barrington Levy & Gorillaz - Meanwhile Lyrics

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piosenki Meanwhile - Gorillaz poznasz i zrozumiesz dzięki tłumaczeniu Meanwhile a jak zobaczysz teledysk Meanwhile słowa innych śpiewanych utworów Gorillaz teksty przeczytać albo i wydrukować zapragniesz i fajnie.Znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania: Kiedy premiera piosenki Meanwhile - Gorillaz? Z jakiego albumu pochodzi piosenka Meanwhile? Kto wyprodukował Meanwhile? Kto napisał tekst piosenki Meanwhile Gorillaz? ale na pytanie Kiedy niedziela handlowa w październiku to już raczej nie, za to teksty piosenek o październiku już jak najbardziej dla przykładu Czternastego października anyone, hmm?