Girl Scout - Weirdo
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Weirdo po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Tekst piosenki Weirdo
Covered in rust
Letting go would be unjust
Something that I sell
To tell you the truth
I ain't doing well
Fits like a glove
In the casing of a shell
I am just a woman
Who doesn't feel like something real
And I don't feel like a woman
I'm just a kid
Trying to stay hid
From everyone else
And I
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
White lies
That I tell myself
I don't need someone when the day is done
Put it on the shelf
But sometimes
I see through the fog
And all that I feel is all that I am
And that's what I got
I am just a woman
Who doesn't feel like something real
And I don't feel like a woman
I'm just a kid
Trying to stay hid
From everyone else
And I
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
I am just a woman
Who doesn't feel like something real
And I don't feel like a woman
I'm just a kid
Trying to stay hid
From everyone else
And I
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
What if I'm a weirdo?
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
What if I'm a weirdo?
What if I'm a weirdo?
Maybe I'm a weirdo
Girl Scout - Weirdo tekst piosenki
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Weirdo na polski 🇵🇱 »
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