Tekst piosenki: Show 10 Ginger Root

Ginger Root - Show 10

Tekst piosenki Show 10

Tell me it ends, like you know it
How to begin, when no body's doing nothing good ‘bout it
Talking again, like you own it
Have to pretend, when just knowing's not enough to jump on it

Well look now I'm just needing time,
You whisper, darling don't you fret
You're feeling fine
(Tell me what you want)
(Tell me what you need)

Maybe It's all up in my mind,
Go take a walk, it may just one day
Change your life
(Now Tell me what you want)

(Tell me what you need)

We watching Show 10 tonight
Cuz I'm a show them right
Got to give in, like you stole it
Calling a friend, cuz nobody better being left on it
Best out of 10, like you rocking and a rolling
Dawn's fading in, while that tune plays la la la la

Well look now I'm just needing time,
You whisper, darling don't you fret
You're feeling fine
(Tell me what you want)
(Tell me what you need)
Maybe It's all up in my mind,
Go take a walk, it may just one day
Change your life
(Now Tell me what you want)
(Tell me what you need)

We watching Show 10 tonight
Cuz I'm a Show Them Right
Cuz I'm the Show 10 Guy
You better show them right

Ginger Root - Show 10 tekst piosenki

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Show 10

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Zobacz więcej tekstów piosenek, które wykonuje
Ginger Root

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Show 10
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Show 10 tekst piosenki Ginger Root
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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