Tekst piosenki Tu vas me manquer
[Verse 1]Another morning, I ask myself how I'm going to fill this void you left
I have a feeling this is going to be a long day
And I no longer have someone to spend it with
I can't carry this loneliness
I miss you
I have no one to turn to
I pass the time looking out the window
I don't ever see you coming back
[Pre Chorus]
Nothing seems real
I'm at a loss for words
What will become of me?
I keep on hoping to see you again
In the near future
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
The memories keep haunting me
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
I've been waiting for you to return for so long
But you're disappearing from my memory
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
[Verse 2]
Another night I dream of your return
But thеn the alarm clock plunges me back into this nightmarе
Without you, I'm bored, I smile
When I think of the nightly and daily talks we had
I think of you all the time
Sometimes I think I still hear the sound of your voice
The more that the years pass
The more I realize how lucky I was to have you
[Pre Chorus]
Nothing seems real
I'm at a loss for words
What will become of me
I keep on hoping to see you again
In the near future
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
The memories keep haunting me
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
I've been waiting for you to return for so long
But you're disappearing from my memory
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
I'll wait for you again and again and again
As long as my body can bear your absence
I'll wait for you again and again and again
I will wait for you to return
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
The memories keep haunting me
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
I've been waiting for you to return for so long
But you're disappearing from my memory
I keep waiting for you like you're coming back
I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss you
GIMS - Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) Tekst piosenki
Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) w wykonaniu GIMS - Tu vas me manquer tekstowo GIMS - Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) o czym jest piosenka Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) GIMS Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) słowa GIMS - Tu vas me manquer Text GIMS - Tu vas me manquer lyrics GIMS - Tu vas me manquer (Pilule Bleue) TekstTeledysk do piosenki
Tu vas me manquer
albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Tu vas me manquer
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Tu vas me manquertakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć