Tekst piosenki Snowbound
Lay your body down upon the midnight snowFeel the cold of winter in your hair
Here in a world of your own
In a casing that's grown
To a children's delight
That arrived overnight
And here they come to play their magic games
Carving names upon your frozen hand
Here in a world of your own
Like a sleeper whose eyes
Sees the pain with surprise
As it smothers your cries
They'll never never know
Hey there's a Snowman
Hey, Hey what a Snowman
Pray for the Snowman
Ooh, Ooh what a Snowman
They say a snow year's a good year
Filled with the love of all who lie so deep
Smiling faces tear your body to the ground
Covered red that only we can see
Here in a ball that they made
From the snow on the ground
See it rolling away
With wild eyes to the sky
They'll never, never know
Hey there's a Snowman
Hey what a Snowman
Pray for the Snowman
Ooh, Ooh what a Snowman
They say a snow year's a good year
Filled with the love of all who lie so deep
Hey there goes the Snowman
Hey there what a Snowman
Hey there lies the Snowman
Hey he was a Snowman
They say a snow year's a good year
Filled with the love of all who lie so deep
GENESIS - Snowbound Tekst piosenki
Snowbound z repertuaru GENESIS - Snowbound tekstowo GENESIS - Snowbound o czym jest piosenka Snowbound GENESIS Snowbound słowa GENESIS - Snowbound TextAlbum: …And Then There Were Three… (1978)
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Snowboundtakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć
![Kadr z teledysku Snowbound tekst piosenki GENESIS](https://img.youtube.com/vi/fOCrYr7VaRI/mqdefault.jpg)