Tekst piosenki: I Can't Dance Genesis

Tekst piosenki I Can't Dance

[Verse 1]
Hot sun beating down
Burning my feet just walking around
Hot sun making me sweat
Gator's getting close, hasn't got me yet

I can't dance, I can't talk
Only thing about me is the way I walk
I can't dance, I can't sing
I'm just standing here selling everything

[Verse 2]
Blue jeans sitting on the beach
Her dog's talking to me, but she's out of reach
She's got a body under that shirt

But all she wants to do is rub my face in the dirt

'Cause I can't dance, I can't talk
Only thing about me is the way I walk
I can't dance, I can't sing
I'm just standin' here selling

Oh, and checking everything is in place
You never know who's looking on

[Verse 3]
Young punk spilling beer on my shoes
Fat guys talking to me try to steal my blues
Thick smoke, see her smiling through
I never thought so much could happen just shootin' pool

But I can't dance, I can't talk
The only thing about me is the way that I walk
I can't dance, I can't sing
I'm just standing here selling

Oh, and checking everything is in place
You never know who's looking on
A perfect body with a perfect face, mhm

No, I can't dance, I can't talk
The only thing about me is the way I walk
No, I can't dance, I can't sing
I'm just standing here selling everything

But I can walk
No, I can't dance
No-no-no, I can't dance
No, I said I can't sing
But I can walk

Genesis - I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) Tekst piosenki

I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) w wykonaniu Genesis - I Can't Dance tekstowo Genesis - I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) o czym jest piosenka I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) Genesis I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) słowa Genesis - I Can't Dance Text
Genesis I Can't Dance Letra de I Can't Dance com Genesis Genesis - I Can't Dance lyrics Genesis - I Can't Dance (2007 Remaster) Tekst
Album: Platinum Collection (2004)

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I Can't Dance

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