Tekst piosenki: Evidence Of Autumn Genesis

Tekst piosenki Evidence Of Autumn

The girl from all those songs
Who made everything feel right
She came in like an angel, into your lonely life
And filling your world with light
Oh, and everybody told you you're oh so lucky

Curtains part revealing a country scene
Clothed in green and brown
Evidence of autumn and recent rain
On a winding lane, a byway
Walking on that road is a certain girl
In all the world the one
Guaranteed to move you and turn your head
When all's been said and done

The girl from all those songs

Who made everything feel right
She came in like an angel, into your lonely life
And filling your world with light
Oh, and everybody told you you're oh so lucky

The night is clear but cool
Ooh maybe dawn is breaking as you turn to find her gone
Then you see the note
Ooh you cannot believe it
And you think you'll go insane...

But that was many years ago
And though the pain is dim
A something still remains
Though you hardly can recall, her face or form
Her memory lingers on

Ooh, she made everything feel right
She came in like an angel (in like an angel)
Into your lonely life (into your life)
And filling your world with light
Oh, and everybody told you you're oh so lucky

Genesis - Evidence Of Autumn Tekst piosenki

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Album: Genesis Archive 2: 1976–1992 (2000)

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Evidence Of Autumn

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Evidence Of Autumn

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Kadr z teledysku Evidence Of Autumn tekst piosenki Genesis



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