Gawryle - Harnaś Ice Tea tłumaczenie tekstu

Harnaś Ice Tea po polsku

« Przejdź do oryginalnej wersji tekstu piosenki Harnaś Ice Tea

I mixed harnold with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam
fuck, brother
sales from biedronka
that's how rotten cottages prance

lemon? peach tea? no difference
lipton? nestea? no difference
shepherd's axe gives each notes
harnaś is prima potstamp
he cooked me prima radler

in my little metal mug
perfect radler
fuck, brother what a combo
I'm pouring harnold from can
fifty- fifty
with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam

I started from beam
paw, cigarette
and then it flied
I was going on Hel but it blew
I'm landing on the land of a thousand puddles
they're pouring me harnold witch ice tea
I'm drinking can by can, bottle by bottle
as befits a skier
after 2pm I pass out drunk with a bang
next time I'll hug you

in my little metal mug
perfect radler
fuck, brother what a combo
I'm pouring harnold from can
fifty- fifty
with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam
in my little metal mug
perfect radler
fuck, brother what a combo
I'm pouring harnold from can
fifty- fifty
with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam

mountaineer, don't you feel sorry?
it's another lost bottle cap
but don't worry, we keep playing
so that everyone has on each on left and on right

in my little metal mug
perfect radler
fuck, brother what a combo
I'm pouring harnold from can
fifty- fifty
with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam
in my little metal mug
perfect radler
fuck, brother what a combo
I'm pouring harnold from can
fifty- fifty
with ice tea
I'm lying on the pier and
I'm slowly tickling throat with foam

Gawryle - Harnaś Ice Tea tłumaczenie tekstu piosenki

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Harnaś Ice Tea

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