Tekst piosenki Cold Dreams
"Cold Dreams"
(feat. Jonas Renkse, Salina Englund)
I can't help to feel like I'm alone
I need to live a life that I can control
I don't want to live a life where I feel this small
I don't wanna give these scars a life of their own
If you run when the sun is low
I'm going nowhere there is no hope here
I'll be right here waiting just for you
I'm sinking slowly it feels like quicksand
I've always known what you're looking for
You've never told me so I'm still here
I'll free you
Just come and hold me save me from cold dreams
Do you run when you're getting close
Or do you face what you're fearing most
I need to see some light and have time to grow
I don't want to live this life where I'm on my own
Have you ever felt deserted like your inside's always hurting?
Will this never leave me?
Rejection inserted
You could never breath like me
You could never feel like me or believe in
The lost light phenomenon
Rejection inserted
Forever inflected
If you run when the sun is low
I'm going nowhere there is no hope here
I'll be right here waiting just for you
I'm sinking slowly it feels like quicksand
I've always known what you're looking for
You've never told me so I'm still here
I'll free you
Just come and hold me save me from cold dreams
I can't grieve over
I can't grieve over
I can't grieve over
I can't grieve over you
You can run when the sun is low
Just like you've done all the times before
No need to hide from the sun no more
I'm going nowhere there is no hope here
Just grab my hands I am right above you
I'm sinking slowly it feels like quicksand
I've always known what you're looking for
You've never told me so I'm still here
But I left the cold
Just come and hold me
I've left these cold dreams
I sense you fading
Just come and hold me save me from cold dreams
I sense you fading
Just come and save me wake me from cold dreams
I sense you fading
Just come and hold me save me from cold dreams
Let me save you
Just come and save me wake me from cold dreams
I've tried to wake you, a sleep too deep it seems
I need to wake you, wake you from cold dreams
Evergrey - Cold Dreams Tekst piosenki
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