Tekst piosenki No Doubt
Where it is you won't say, but it hurtsPut your lips next to mine and apart
Why won't you open your heart?
I feel it coming it grows up my spine
I'm dying to show you what love is about
The tears that are falling
There's no room for doubt
For all the changes we've been through
It's an art just to give, will I learn?
To visualize what you want from my life
It's more than enough just to gaze in your eyes
I'm dying to show you what love is about
To tease you and please you
We must work it out
I know all your secrets so sad
For all the changes we've been through
Erasure - No Doubt Tekst piosenki
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Album: Nightbird (2005)
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No Doubt
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No Doubt
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