Tekst piosenki: The Howl Ensiferum

Tekst piosenki The Howl

In the land of brave warriors, our proud clan always stood tall
We heed the ancient call, for years we fought but the evil grew
Nature cries for the wisdom of old, now forgotten, forever lost

Oh, world, hear my howl, see my light in the sky
I shall find the one, who will set your world on fire
Oh, run, all the lost ones, your rule ends today
For the rightful vengeance, the old world shall rise again!

Through the whispers of time, I saw the decay
The spirits wept, their voices dismayed
With one final deed, I'll break free of my chains
Transcend to a spirit wolf, unbound by the pain

Oh, world, hear my howl, see my light in the sky
I shall find the one, who will set your world on fire

Oh, run, all the lost ones, your rule ends today
For the rightful vengeance, the old world shall rise again!

The spirits guide me, their presence, a light
To seek a soul worthy, to join the fight

In twilight's embrace, I begin my final quest
Through valleys and mountains
I roam from East to West
I will not rest
Until I find him

Under the gaze of the moon
He'll find the chosen one
With a heart of valour
Beneath the winter sun
With spirits, his witness, he'll invoke the sacred rite
The magic of the old and a warrior's might

Together we march, through battles we wade
As spirit and mortal, our strengths now allied
The oppressors shall falter, their reign to an end
For the old world's wisdom, we shall defend

Oh, world, hear my howl, see my light in the sky
I shall find the one, who will set your world on fire
Oh, run, all the lost ones, your rule ends today
For the rightful vengeance, the old world shall rise again!

The old world shall rise again!

Ensiferum - The Howl Tekst piosenki

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