Elton John & Taron Egerton - (I'm Gonna) Love Me Again
Tekst piosenki (I'm Gonna) Love Me Again
[Verse 1: Elton John]
Oh, the joke was never hard to tell
Threw my fair change in the wishing well
The dream alone is always in your hands
If that don't fill the boy and build the man
A heart has many secrets, so I'm told
Through the years, a theory can grow cold
I'm up to be the king, it's gotten clear
The voice inside my head is the one I hear
Singing, I'm gonna love me again
Check in on my very best friend
Find the will to fill my cells
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties that break or bend
I'm free, and don't you know?
No clown that claimed he used to know me then
I'm free, and don't you know?
And oh-oh-oh, I'm gonna love me again
[Verse 2: Taron Egerton]
The golden age was somehow bittersweet
But now the past lies sleepin' in the deep
The peaceful days that followed hollow nights
A kiss or touch could feel like Kryptonite
Praise the saints that hung up on my wall
For trust is left in lovers after all
A whispered word emergin' from a tale
My wake-up call to claim the cursed spell
Well, I'm gonna love me again
Check in on my very best friend
Find the will to fill my cells
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties that break or bend
I'm free, and don't you know?
No clown that claimed he used to know me then
I'm free, and don't you know?
And oh-oh-oh, I'm gonna love me again
Sing, I'm gonna love me again
Check in on my very best friend
Find the will to fill my cells
Rise above the broken rails
Unbound by any ties that break or bend
I'm free, and don't you know?
No clown that claimed he used to know me then
I'm free, don't you know?
And oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, I'm gonna love me again
I'm gonna love me again
I'm gonna love me again
Elton John & Taron Egerton - (I'm Gonna) Love Me Again tekst piosenki
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(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again
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