Tekst piosenki Little bird
Little bird,don’t you cry.
Would you stay a while before I fly?
Close your eyes,
won’t you smile?
Sing a lullaby,
it’ll be alright.
What do I say?
What is real?
When everybody tells me,
how to feel.
What is mine?
How do I speak?
When every word is taken,
chosen for me.
How do I know?
How do I grow?
I’ll just take it day by day,
but I just need to hear you say,
my little bird,
don’t you cry,
hear my lullaby it’ll be alright.
Little bird,
how you’ve grown.
But somehow you still think that you’re on your own.
With any voice that you choose,
just remember it’s a gift I gave to you.
How will I know,
that you won’t go?
I can take it day by day,
so for now I’ll just say,
la la la la.
I know it’s always been us two,
I’ll sing this lullaby for you.
Ella Bleu - Little bird Tekst piosenki
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Album: Little bird (2024)
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Little bird
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Little bird
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