Eliza Rose & Calvin Harris - Body Moving
Tekst piosenki Body Moving
[Verse 1]
Oh, the beat in my body is lookin' to groove
Wanna get down, yeah, I'm lookin' to move
The beat in my body, [?] just to approve
Wanna get down, yeah, I'm lookin' to move
Deep, deep down, baby
Deep, deep down, baby (Move)
De-deep, deep down, baby (Baby)
When the lights go down
Mood goes up and the music sounds
Oh, I love it when the lights go down
Body's movin' like no one's around
Oh, I love it when the
Mood goes up
Oh, I love it when the
Body's movin' like no
[Verse 2]
Deep, deep down on that bass with flow (Deep)
That's where I grow, baby, that's where I flow (Baby)
My body heats up as my figure goes numb
To and fro, and body's flow with me
The beat's at the moon, let the sun in (Go in)
And your lips, I've loved, kiss me runnin' back
Runnin' back, runnin' back
When the lights go down
Mood goes up and the music sounds
Oh, I love it when the lights go down
Body's movin' like no one's around
Oh, I love it when the
Mood goes up
Oh, I love it when the
Body's movin' like no
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move), move
De-deep, deepdown, baby (Move, move)
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
De-deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
Deep, deep down, baby (Move, move)
Calvin Harris & Eliza Rose - Body Moving tekst piosenki
Body Moving Eliza Rose & Calvin Harris - Body Moving tekstowo Body Moving o czym jest piosenka Body Moving Eliza Rose & Calvin Harris - Body Moving Tekst Body Moving Eliza Rose & Calvin Harris Body Moving słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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Eliza Rose,Calvin Harris
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Body Moving
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Body Movingtakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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