Tekst piosenki: Instinct Dynazty

Dynazty - Instinct

Tekst piosenki Instinct

Tell me what you want and I'll show you what you need
Whisper your desires and I'll teach you how to feel
Let me slip inside of your minds brutality
Take me to the realms of your darkest fantasy
Yes, you can live it all if you give yourself to me

Get your bad side out
I wanna show you what life is all about
We hunger 'til we feast like cannibals, instinct animals
Frantic, frenzy in ecstasy
Rid yourself of doubt
Indulge in your favourite dark delight
We feast until we burst like cannibals, instinct animals
Frantic frenzy, indulge in me

Don't deny your instincts

Feast down to the bone as I give and you collect
Relish in the now as the potency injects
We're all victims of our own humanity
Slaves under the cosh of our bestiality
Surrender to this truth and the truth shall set you free

Get your bad side out
I wanna show you what life is all about
We hunger 'til we feast like cannibals, instinct animals
Frantic, frenzy in ecstasy
Rid yourself of doubt
Indulge in your favourite dark delight
We feast until we burst like cannibals, instinct animals
Frantic frenzy, indulge in me
Don't deny your instincts

Dynazty - Instinct tekst piosenki

Dynazty - Instinct tekstowo Instinct Dynazty Instinct słowa

Teledysk do piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Instinct tekst piosenki Dynazty
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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