Tekst piosenki: Game of Faces Dynazty

Dynazty - Game of Faces

Tekst piosenki Game of Faces

Show to me you can see
Nothing is able
Like infatuation so inherently fatal
Who am I, who are you
Truth is a riddle
Sanity intrinsically get caught in the middle

Under the mask is another face
Twisted in truth is the answer you chase

Deep in duality
Two faced and too seductive
Lie with morality
And you'll soon be corrupted
Don't dream of fairy tales

It will lead to pain
Don't wish for miracles
It is all in vain
Don't ever fall in love with love again

Play with me perfectly a game of faces
Vanity emphatically is a play for the ages
What is right what is wrong
Seek definition
Venomous and treacherous are ways of ambition

Now I spy a lie with my little eye
The instinct of truth but still I deny

Deep in duality
Two faced and too seductive
Lie with morality
And you'll soon be corrupted
Don't dream of fairy tales
It will lead to pain
Don't wish for miracles
It is all in vain
Don't ever fall in love with love again

Don't dream of fairytales
It will lead to pain
Don't wish for miracles
It is all in vain
Come play the game of faces once again

Deep in duality
Two faced and too seductive
Lie with morality
And you'll soon be corrupted
Don't ever dream in fairy tales
Don't ever show what's your true face in vain
Don't ever play so carelessly with pain
Don't ever fall in love with love again

Dynazty - Game of Faces tekst piosenki

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Game of Faces

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Kadr z teledysku Game of Faces tekst piosenki Dynazty
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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