Tekst piosenki: Devilry of Ecstasy Dynazty

Dynazty - Devilry of Ecstasy

Tekst piosenki Devilry of Ecstasy

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Flames burning bright as the sun
She's the firemaker and you will be her one
A sign of danger, the bringer of storms
Force of nature, she's a natural born
Oh, you must beware before she says

I can be your twisted sense of reality
Come shed your skin and give in to me
Beware the kiss of death
Before your fate is set
The devilry of ecstasy
Never trust the gold that glimmer so beautiful
Or the siren singing into your soul
Without a trace of sin
You will be drawn right in

The devilry of ecstasy

Hell rises when devils are near
Beware of the danger if your life is dear
Sensual power, charisma and spite
Witchcraft, heartattack and lightning will strike
Turn away before you hear her say

I can be your twisted sense of reality
Come shed your skin and give in to me
Beware the kiss of death
Before your fate is set
The devilry of ecstasy
Never trust the gold that glimmer so beautiful
Or the siren singing into your soul
Without a trace of sin
You will be drawn right in
The devilry of ecstasy

I can be your twisted sense of reality
Come shed your skin and give in to me
Beware the kiss of death
Before your fate is set
The devilry of ecstasy
Never trust the gold that glimmer so beautiful
Or the siren singing into your soul
Without a trace of sin
You will be drawn right in
The devilry of ecstasy

Give in to me
Beware the devilry of ecstasy

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Devilry of Ecstasy

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