Tekst piosenki: Shut It Down Dru Hill

Dru Hill - Shut It Down

Tekst piosenki Shut It Down

Uh, check, uh
I tried to be nice, ha
You don't know, here lemme spell it out for you
C'mon D-R-U H-I-L-L
Let's go, Dru Hillllllllll

[Verse 1]
It's bumpin', it's thumpin'
I got a lil' somethin' somethin'
I know that, you want it
So when we gonna pop up on it
Go DJ, got the bass up
So now we gonna tear the whole place up
And wake up the neighbors
And shake ya mamma like a earthquake

You want it, I got it (Eh)
So tell me what's it gonna be (Gon' be)
'Cause it's on and it's poppin'
So you can leave it up to me

To shut it down, down (Eh)
Bring it up take it to the ground (Said)
Said look around, guess who's back it town
To shut it down, down
This about to be shut down (Said this about it be)
Eww, eww
Said it's about to be shut down (Said it's about to be)
Shut it down

[Verse 2]
It's bumpin', it's thumpin'
I got a lil' somethin' somethin'
I know that, you want it
So when we gonna pop up on it
Go DJ, got the bass up
So now we gonna tear the whole place up
And wake up the neighbors
And shake 'em up like a earthquakeeeeeee
You want it, I got it
So tell me what's it gonna be (Oooooh)
'Cause it's on and it's poppin'
So you can leave it up to me

To shut it down, down (Eh)
Bring it up take it to the ground
Said look around, guess who's back it town
To shut it down, down
This about to be shut down (Said it's about to be)
Eww, eww
Said it's about to be shut down (Said it's about to be)
Shut it down

[Rap: Nokio]
Gonna roll hard
Yeah, on my one on one
And I'm on my rock shit so you can call me dope
What, put us on any stage watch that bitch sell out
InDRUpendance Day, ya'll singers get the hell out
Tried to get this hit out, said we wasn't Def
Like Parent's Don't Understand It
Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff
No we back with a vengeance
So please just cut the cheque
We gonna eat the game alive 'til their ain't nothing left
We gonna shut it down, down
Bring it up take it to the ground (All the haters need to think about it)
Said look (Look) around (Around) guess who's back it town (Ohhh)
To shut it down, down
This about to be shut down
Eww, eww
Said it's about to be shut down (It's about to be shut down)
Shut it down

To shut it down, down
Bring it up take it to the ground
Said look around, guess who's back it town
To shut it down, down
This about to be shut down
Eww, eww
Said it's about to be shut down
Shut it down

Shut it down

Dru Hill - Shut It Down tekst piosenki

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Shut It Down

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Shut It Down

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Shut It Down
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Shut It Down tekst piosenki Dru Hill
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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