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Tekst piosenki Ain't No Fool
The best of times, the worst of times,the times you can't ignore.
Sometimes you bite the bullet
and flip flop on the floor.
They tell you where to go,
and they tell you what to do.
They set your face on fire
then stomp it out with their shoes.
I ain't no fool.
Mama didn't raise no fool.
The times I can't complain
are the times I do the most.
On a diet of black coffee
and prozac buttered toast.
These eunuchs in their prada
and Gucci flavored clothes.
Wouldn't know a fresh perspective
if it bit 'em up on the nose.
I ain't no fool.
Mama didn't raise no fool.
Don't do as they say,
just say as they do.
No flavor's quite so bitter
as the taste of one's own shoe.
I ain't no fool.
Mama didn't raise no fool.
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