Tekst piosenki: The Mess Dotan

Tekst piosenki The Mess

[Lyrics of "The Mess"]

[Verse 1]
Morning waking
Hide from the light
Under the shadows
Lost in the fight

Oh, your love
It's way too hard
Oh, the mess that we've been making
While the coldest wind is shaking
Oh, your love
It's way too hard
And the souls that have been breaking

And the moments we've been wasting
The moments, the moments

[Verse 2]
Come home, my darling
Dance with time
Your coat on the bedroom floor
Fall into your eyes

Oh, your love
It's way too hard
Oh, the mess that we've been making
While the coldest wind is shaking
Oh, your love
It's way too hard
And thе souls that have been breaking
And the momеnts we've been wasting
The moments, the moments

Ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah

Oh, your love
It's way too hard
Oh, the mess that we've been making
While the coldest wind is shaking
Oh, your love
It's way too hard
And the souls that have been breaking
And the moments we've been wasting
The moments, the moments

[Instrumental Break]

Oh, your love
It's way too hard

Dotan - The Mess Tekst piosenki

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Dotan The Mess Letra de The Mess com Dotan Dotan - The Mess lyrics
Album: A Little Light in the Dark (2024)

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The Mess

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