Tekst piosenki: Letting Go Dotan

Dotan - Letting Go

Tekst piosenki Letting Go

[Verse 1]
Wars, no, I can't win them all
Oh, my darling, what are we fighting for?
Stolen by a love that is forced
Like an ocean, I was washed to the shore

You call out like echoes in the storm
They fade into the great unknown
High hopes, it's like I'm too afraid to come down (Oh yeah)

And then I start to feel the walls as they crumble and fall
And the darkness that I know has a spark and a glow
Now I'm reaching out with arms that are learning to grow
And I'm finally letting go

Far from the world that I made
I keep running from the lies that would drive me insane
I was always holding on to the anger and pain
But I'm finally letting go

[Verse 2]
Days, I've been locked in my thoughts
I keep swimming against waves of support
Darling, I don't know where you've gone
But my shoulders, now they're steady and strong (Oh yeah)

And then I start to feel the walls as they crumble and fall
And the darkness that I know has a spark and a glow
Now I'm reaching out with arms that are learning to grow
And I'm finally letting go
Far from the world that I made
I keep running from the lies that would drive me insane
I was always holding on to the anger and pain
But I'm finally letting go

Now I'm finally letting go
Now I'm finally letting go

You call out like echoes in the storm
They fade into the great unknown
High hopes, it's like I'm too afraid to come down

And then I start to feel the walls as they crumble and fall
And the darkness that I know has a spark and a glow
Now I'm reaching up with arms and I learn and I grow
And I'm finally letting go
Far from the world that I made
I keep running from the lies that would drive me insane
I was always holding on to the anger and pain
But I'm finally letting go

Now I'm finally letting go
Now I'm finally letting go
Now I'm finally letting go

Dotan - Letting Go tekst piosenki

Dotan - Letting Go tekstowo Dotan - Letting Go słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
Letting Go

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Letting Go

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Letting Go
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Letting Go tekst piosenki Dotan
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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