Dominik Dudek - Follow You
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I see you at the open gate
I look out the window at your face
Dogs run around and wait
‚cause their best friend came
Eight hours seems like eight years
Even longer, but we talked all day
You just made a tiny smile
And the house came back to life
I'll follow you wherever you go
Wherever you are, there is my home
So maybe we could buy a boat
And look at the sunset until we get old
Doesn't matter what we've been through
Coming home means coming to you
I'll follow you wherever you go
‚Cause you are my forever home
I wanna be a weirdo with you
Sing at night and break the rules
Roll the dice and buy a flight
Reach the mountains by your side
Together just live a life
Drink it slowly like a glass of wine
Oh damn it, I lost my mind
With you I feel alive
I'll follow you wherever you go
Wherever you are, there is my home
So maybe we could buy a boat
And look at the sunset until we get old
Doesn't matter what we've been through
Coming home means coming to you
I'll follow you wherever you go
Cause you are my forever home
I have always been lost, but I found my home
It has pretty eyes and warmth, so I fell in love
I'll follow you wherever you go
Wherever you are, there is my home
So maybe we could buy a boat
And look at the sunset until we get old
Doesn't matter what we've been through
Coming home means coming to you
I'll follow you wherever you go
Cause you are my forever home
Dominik Dudek - Follow You tekst piosenki
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Follow You
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