Tekst piosenki: Always You Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode - Always You

Tekst piosenki Always You

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My love, the world's upside down
My love, no solid ground
My love, there are no more facts
My love, reality's cracked

And then there's you
There's always you
You're all I need to keep believing
And then there's you
There's always you
The air that keeps my spirit breathing
And then there's you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you

My love, there are no more words
My love, life's too absurd
My love, I could not explain
My love, why insanity reigns

And then there's you
There's always you
The light that leads me from the darkness
And then there's you
There's always you
Your grace and holiness are endless
And then there's you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you
And then there's you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you, there's always you
There's always you

Depeche Mode - Always You tekst piosenki

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Album: Memento Mori (2023)

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Always You

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