Demeted - Downfall
Tekst piosenki Downfall
Your touch won't heal, it burns my skin
Gravity won't pull you and me
In their hands you're just a puppet
Like nobody else
With head in the clouds
I lift feet off the ground
Take a look from above
God carried out his plan
You don't have to die
To feel like flying high
I've tried to run, but gravity pulled me down
I've tried to fight, but my flame isn't ignite
Wake up, stand up, cut the ropes
It's time for puppets to come to life
Wake up, stand up, cut the ropes
It's time to live your life
With head in the clouds
I lift feet off the ground
Take a look from above
God carried out his plan
You don't have to die
To feel like flying high
I've tried to run, but gravity pulled me down
I've tried to fight, but my flame isn't ignite
Still isn't ignite
With head in the clouds
I lift feet off the ground
Take a look from above
God carried out his plan
You don't have to die
To feel like flying high
Demeted - Downfall tekst piosenki
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