Tekst piosenki: Saving Your Soul David Kushner

David Kushner - Saving Your Soul

Tekst piosenki Saving Your Soul

What good is a life consumed by this world?
This world
Exchanging this time but losing your soul
Your soul

Oh I've been holding on to this for too long
For too long
Oh how did I get here when things that dissolve
That dissolve

The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've been through hell but I won't be deceived
He'll walk around for hours
But He knows He can't devour
The Devil's got his eyes on me

I've bled to tell you what your eyes don't see
This story's getting louder
And He knows that He's a coward

Don't be bound by fear, oh, that's what he wants
That's what he wants
I know it gets tiring but you need to run
You need to run

Oh I've been holding on to this for too long
For too long
Oh how did I get here when things that dissolve
That dissolve

The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've been through hell but I won't be deceived
He'll walk around for hours
But He knows He can't devour
The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've bled to tell you what your eyes don't see
This story's getting louder
And He knows that He's a coward
The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've been through hell but I won't be deceived
He'll walk around for hours
But He knows He can't devour
The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've bled to tell you what your eyes don't see
This story's getting louder
And He knows that He's a coward
The Devil's got his eyes on me
I've bled to tell you what your eyes don't see
This story's getting louder
And He knows that He's a coward

David Kushner - Saving Your Soul tekst piosenki

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Saving Your Soul

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Saving Your Soul

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Kadr z teledysku Saving Your Soul tekst piosenki David Kushner
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
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