David Kushner - Flesh X Blood
Tekst piosenki Flesh X Blood
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I look for love in empty places
I get distracted when I'm prayin'
I talk to God and dance with Satan
I wish it was my imagination
Oh, Father, can you wake me up
From the man that I thought I was?
Oh, Father, can you wake me up?
'Cause it's bigger than flesh and blood
Flesh and blood
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Oh Lord the silence feels betrayin'
Words don't express the heart decayin'
Death to your voice, my faith is wavin'
It's never been this dark in ages
Oh, Father, can you wake me up
From the man that I thought I was?
Oh, Father, can you wake me up?
'Cause it's bigger than flesh and blood
Flesh and blood
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
I was blind by lust I fell
Trapped inside of living hell
Waiting for you to wake me up
I was lost even to myself
Trapped inside of living hell
Waiting for you to wake me up
Oh, Father, can you wake me up
From the man that I thought I was?
Flesh and blood
Flesh and blood
David Kushner - Flesh X Blood tekst piosenki
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Flesh X Blood