Tekst piosenki: The Cup Dave Blunts

Tekst piosenki The Cup

Sippin' on promethazine, I'm sippin' on promethazine
I can't put down the cup, can't put down The Cup (Jetale, boy, turn it up)
I can't put down the cup, can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup

Sippin' on promethazine, with lean, I fell in love
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
Sippin' on promethazine, with lean, I fell in love
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup

Got kicked out of middle school 'cause of Mr. Garnica
They sent me to East Locust with all of the drug addicts

That's when I started smoking weed and picking up bad habits
And I love all my ni**as, but I promise I'm not a fa**ot, ayy
And these bitch ni**as gon' hate me 'cause I ran it up and got a Patek Philippe
That's your main bitch top of me, and I busted on her, now I'm goin' to sleep
Let a ni**a try to run down, .357 leave 'em dead in the street
First day out of the hospital and I'm back to making bitches cum on my meat

Sippin' on promethazine, I'm sippin' on promethazine
I can't put down the cup, can't put down The Cup (Jetale, boy, turn it up)
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup

Sippin' on promethazine, with lean, I fell in love
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
Sippin' on promethazine, with lean, I fell in love
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup
I can't put down the cup, I can't put down the cup

Dave Blunts - The Cup Tekst piosenki

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The Cup

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Kadr z teledysku The Cup tekst piosenki Dave Blunts



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