Tekst piosenki: Stand Down Cooper Alan

Tekst piosenki Stand Down

Throwing round words like hand grenades
We both said some things we shouldn't say
Dinner turned into war
You slammed the bedroom door
Picture of us fell of the wall
Honeymoon mini golf, Panama
My forever in a broken frame
Really made me stop and think

Is this a hill that's worth dying on
Cause that pillow that you're crying on
Should be my shoulder, holding you closer
When there's friendly fire someone gets hurt
Even if I'm right is it really worth
Turning our house into a battle ground

I need to walk in, throw my pride out
Man up and stand down

Sat in my truck trying to cool off
Thinking 'bout how this is half my fault
Looking at the grand scheme
This fight won't mean a damn thing

Is this a hill that's worth dying on
Cause that pillow that you're crying on
Should be my shoulder, holding you closer
When there's friendly fire someone gets hurt
Even if I'm right is it really worth
Turning our house into a battle ground
I need to walk in, throw my pride out
Man up and stand down

Too many cracks, the dam's gonna break
Was only so much that love can take
Before it wears down
Boy, you better stand down

This ain't a hill that's worth dying on
And that pillow that you're crying on
Should be my shoulder, holding you closer
When there's friendly fire someone gets hurt
Even if I'm right, no, it ain't worth
Turning our house into a battle ground
I need to walk in, throw my pride out
Man up and stand down
Stand down
Stand down

Cooper Alan - Stand Down Tekst piosenki

Cooper Alan - Stand Down Тексти пісень Stand Down Cooper Alan - Stand Down tekstowo Stand Down Cooper Alan Stand Down słowa

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Stand Down

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Kadr z teledysku Stand Down tekst piosenki Cooper Alan



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