Tekst piosenki: The Moon Is Blue Colourbox

Tekst piosenki The Moon Is Blue

Feel these hands that
Shape this world
Then try to understand

[Verse 1]
When the light shines down
And the time goes slowly
When my mind’s in the dust
Scorched and dying
There's a penny in my hand
Inscribed to the sad and lonely
Now I feel so cold and alone
Thinking how long

[Verse 2]

Now if you had told me
She would come back
And if you had told me
The clock was gonna fall
And if you had shown me
Some affection
I would have believed you

Don't tell me the moon is blue
(Now you've let me down)
'Cause tonight it's over
(Now you've let me down)
Now the pain's in the dust
(Now you've let me down)
And you can't find your blue moon
Now it's over
Oh, tonight it's over

[Verse 3]
The pain was a sharp one
That cut me both ways
And tore my world apart
I could have healed that wound so deep
But you wouldn't understand

Don't tell me the moon is blue
(Now you've let me down)
'Cause tonight it's over
(Now you've let me down)
Now the pain's in the dust
(Now you've let me down)
And you can't find your blue moon
(Now you've let me down)
Now it's over, oh

Tonight it's over, ooh
Tonight it's over, oh, over
Tonight it's over, ooh
Ooh, tonight it's over
Oh, oh, over

Colourbox - The Moon Is Blue Tekst piosenki

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Colourbox The Moon Is Blue Letra de The Moon Is Blue com Colourbox Colourbox - The Moon Is Blue lyrics Colourbox - The Moon Is Blue (12' Version) Tekst
Album: Colourbox (1985)

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The Moon Is Blue

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