Colatura - The Ocean
Tekst piosenki The Ocean
Spending our nights
Passing beneath the pier
I've been a drink behind since we were there
Riding that same ride
The one that went upside down
Where you carved this heart in my arm with a pin that you'd found
And you taught me how to swim in the ocean
Pulled me in although I was not prepared
Said you were the one to hold on to
If I was scared
I hung my hopes
On August by the dunes
I guess I thought our footprints would not have moved
Where you taught me how to swim in the ocean
Pulled me in although I was not prepared
Said you were the one to hold on to
If I was scared
If I said how I felt in the ocean
Maybe it'd be me by your side instead
There's nothing that's worse than not knowing
What we might have been
So now I'm afraid of the ocean
And the sting of salt that's still in the air
Guess you're not the one I hold on to
I lost you there
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