Tekst piosenki Roses
[Chorus]I don't need no roses, no, sorry for the pain
All I ever wanted was you to love me the same
I don't need no late calls, no kiss in the rain
No time for the tears 'cause I know you'll never change
[Verse 1]
Could love you with my head in the clouds
I don't want to wait this out, no
You put it with me one more round, hate it when we get too loud, no
Should've, could've don't mean much, but we never learn, both grow up
Dude, in my eyes, it's unclear
I hate that I couldn't be here, I saw
Time had passed by
Don't blink twice
Empty handed
She said it like
I don't need no roses, no, sorry for the pain
All I ever wanted was you to love me the same
I don't need no late calls, no kiss in the rain
No time for the tears 'cause I know you'll never change
But now that you're gone
Our life, it goes on
I beat myself up and wonder where we went wrong
I don't need no roses, no, sorry for the pain
All I ever wanted was you to love me the same
Love me the same
[Verse 2]
I never learned to put you first
Tendency to make things worse, no
Speak about the real concerns
When part of you was so damn hurt, no
I don't want to get too real, got used to hiding how I feel
Running my mouth, it's unfair
Hate that I couldn't be there, I saw
Time had passed by
Don't blink twice
Empty handed
She said it like
I don't need no roses, no, sorry for the pain
All I ever wanted was you to love me the same
I don't need no late calls, no kiss in the rain
No time for the tears 'cause I know you'll never change
But now that you're gone
Our life, it goes on
I beat myself up and wonder where we went wrong
I don't need no roses, no, sorry for the pain
All I ever wanted was you to love me the same
Love me the same
Oh God, I know I couldn't be there
Oh God, it's killing me to see it go
Oh God, I know I couldn't be there
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