Tekst piosenki: Little Bit of This Central Cee

Tekst piosenki Little Bit of This

Little bit of that
Come alive at night
Let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that-
Little bit of this, little bit of that
You are now listening to Young Chencs
(You are now listening to Young Chencs)

Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap
Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap

No doubt in my mind that my time will come
All I done was stick to the grind
Bro bro, got the darg parked off
It's willing to bark if it gets out of line, am I lying?
She wanna complain all the time, goodbye
Deleted that bitch off my line
I'm on my job, I'm occupied
But I do a little bit of this on the side

Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap
Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap

Shake that back like a video vixen
Back out the rod like let's go fishing
Oh that's your, oh that's your missus?
Send her a cab and make her go missin'
She wanna spend a day in a life with me and my guy
Bring friend for a friend
Short and sweet, she's five foot five
With the curly hair, she a 10 out of 10

The way it's clapping I'm fascinated
Matter of fact, I'm infatuated
Bend her back, she elasticated
Kill the pum pum, assassinate it
I'm activated
You-you-you got the vibe just right, come alive at night, I'm on demon time
She don't trust man, I got no reason to lie

Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap
Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap

The way it's clapping I'm fascinated
Matter of fact, I'm infatuated
Bend her back, she elasticated
Kill the pum pum, assassinate it
I'm activated
You got the vibe just right, come alive at night, I'm on demon time
She don't trust man, I got no reason to lie

Four bad, four bad b's in the ride
Gotta squeeze them, it's a wee bit tight
Most these females the deceiving type
Take the p's then go leave them guys
What you doing in the a.m., you only ever holla in the evening time?
I'm only here for a good time, not a long time, can we keep it quiet?

She wanna spend a day in a life with me and my guy
Bring friend for a friend
Short and sweet, she's five foot five
With the curly hair, she a 10 out of 10

Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap
Little bit of this, little bit of that (little bit of that)
Come alive at night, let's see how you shake that back
Vibrate, let's see how you make that clap

Come alive at night
Little bit of this, little bit of that

Central Cee - Little Bit of This Tekst piosenki

Central Cee - Little Bit of This tekstowo Central Cee - Little Bit of This Text Little Bit of This Central Cee Little Bit of This słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
Little Bit of This

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Little Bit of This

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Little Bit of This
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Little Bit of This tekst piosenki Central Cee



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