Tekst piosenki: Low Mood Season Casey Lowery

Tekst piosenki Low Mood Season

[Verse 1]
The way she pouts her face
Is ruining my day
And she's making me weak
My day's feeling bleak
You think I'm the one
But please, I don't want more
Obsession is a disease
Please, I beg you, leave

I only had to see one time
To know that you're not right
You told me you love me
Thanks for that insight
The clarification

Lead to confrontation
About where you came from
And it's alright, it's Stockholm

[Verse 2]
Men can't feel this way
I'm distant, I'm stray
I'm tightening in my chest
My brain's all but blessed
I struggle in my skin
Thinkin' about what you did
My friends can't help me here
I can't tell them shit

I only had to see one time
To know that you're not right
You told me you love me
Thanks for that insight
The clarification
Lead to confrontation
About where you came from
And it's alright, it's Stockholm

[Middle 8]
Love me, love me

I only had to see one time
To know that you're not right
You told me you love me
Thanks for that insight
The clarification
Lead to confrontation
About where you came from
And it's alright, it's Stockholm

I only had to see one time
To know that you're not right
You told me you love me
Thanks for that insight
The clarification
Lead to confrontation
About where you came from
And it's alright, it's Stockholm

Casey Lowery - Low Mood Season Tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Low Mood Season tekst piosenki Casey Lowery


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