Tekst piosenki: Winter Wine CARAVAN

Tekst piosenki Winter Wine

How you're always flowing, blowing in my mind
Like a stream, these magic waters move me to a dream
Of travelling with you, drifting carefree
Dropping downward through fresh grasses
Bubbles merrily as it passes
Never knowing where you're going
Carry me with you (carry me with you)
Carry me with you (carry me with you)

Be conjured up in a midnight dream
Ancient castles dark
As wandering minstrels play tunes of yesterday
When dragons roamed the land
Knights in armour cold charged on horseback bold
The maids were saved, the dragons slain

Sail scene, sea green
Sailing forward to a new land
Treasure waits, paradise gates
For the taking, don't start waking
All you need, but take heed
Remember it pays to pay the sandman well
Make no fuss, for you must – in stardust
He puts all the colours in your dreams

Bells chime three times
Naked dancers enter slowly
Smoky room, scented gloom
Audience eating, fat men drinking
Candles burn, a dull red light
Illuminates the breasts of four young girls
Dancing, prancing, provoking
See, dreams are always ending far too soon

Life's too short to be sad
Wishing things you'll never have
You're better off not dreaming of the things to come
Dreams are always ending far too soon

Sounds of a distant melody
Once played, lost from memory
Funny how it's clearer now you're close to me
We'll be together all the time

Sounds of a distant melody
Once played, lost from memory
Funny how it's clearer now you're close to me
We'll be together all the time
(Time) time

Sail scene, sea green
Sailing forward to a new land
Treasure waits, paradise gates
For the taking, don't start waking
All you need, but take heed
Remember it pays to pay the sandman well
Make no fuss, for you must – in stardust
He puts all the colour in your dreams

Caravan - Winter Wine Tekst piosenki

Winter Wine von Caravan - Winter Wine tekstowo Caravan - Winter Wine o czym jest piosenka Winter Wine Caravan Winter Wine słowa CARAVAN - Winter Wine Text
CARAVAN Winter Wine Letra de Winter Wine com CARAVAN
Album: In the Land of Grey and Pink (1971)

Teledysk do piosenki
Winter Wine

Kadr z teledysku Winter Wine tekst piosenki CARAVAN




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