Tekst piosenki: Butter BTS (Bangtan Boys) feat. Megan Thee Stallion

BTS (Bangtan Boys) - Butter ft. Megan Thee Stallion

Tekst piosenki Butter

[Intro: Megan Thee Stallion]
Ayy, it's the Hot Girl Coach and BTS, ah

[Verse 1: Jung Kook, V, j-hope]
Smooth like butter
Like a criminal undercover
Gon' pop like trouble
Breakin' into your heart like that (Ooh)
Cool shade stunner
Yeah, I owe it all to my mother
Hot like summer
Yeah, I'm makin' you sweat like that
Break it down

[Pre-Chorus: Jin, RM]

Ooh, when I look in the mirror
I'll melt your heart into two
I got that superstar glow so (Ooh)
Do the boogie like

[Chorus: Jung Kook, Jimin, V, Megan Thee Stallion]
Side step, right, left to my beat
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you 'cause talk is cheap
Side step, right, left to my beat (Uh-hmm)
Get it, let it roll

[Verse 2: Megan Thee Stallion]
Ayy, so smooth like the car I ride
Even ya best party planner couldn't catch this vibe
Big boss, and I make a hater stay on they job
And I be on these girls necks like the back of they bobs
Houston's finest, in the room with bosses
Make 'em all get ratchet in they suits and blouses
I remember writing flows in my room in college
Now I need global entry to the shows I'm rocking (Yeah)
Smooth like cocoa butter
My drip more than a puddle
They know that I'm the wave
Take over every summer
They must be giving Stevie if they ever had to Wonder
'Cause every beat I get on get turned in to Hubba Bubba, ah

[Chorus: Jimin, Jin, Jung Kook, Megan Thee Stallion]
Side step, right, left to my beat (Yeah, yeah, yeah, ah)
High like the moon, rock with me, baby (Moon, moon, moon)
Know that I got that heat (Yeah)
Let me show you 'cause talk is cheap (Yeah)
Side step, right, left to my beat
Get it, let it roll

[Post-Chorus: Jimin]
Get it, let it roll
Get it, let it roll

[Verse 3: SUGA, SUGA & Megan Thee Stallion, RM, All]
Ice on my wrist, I'm the nice guy (Oh)
Got the right body and the right mind (Oh)
Rollin' up to party, got the right vibe
Smooth like (Butter), hate us (Love us)
Fresh boy pull up and we lay low
All the playas get movin' when the bass low
Got ARMY right behind us when we say so
(Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm) Let's go

[Chorus: V, Jin, Jung Kook, Jimin]
Side step, right, left to my beat (Right, left to my beat)
High like the moon, rock with me, baby
Know that I got that heat
Let me show you 'cause talk is cheap (You know that talk is cheap)
Side step, right, left to my beat
Get it, let it roll

[Post-Chorus: j-hope, j-hope & RM, RM, All, *Megan Thee Stallion*]
Smooth like (Butter), cool shade (Stunner)
And you know we don't stop
Hot like (Summer), ain't no (Bummer)
You be like, oh my God
We gon' make you rock and you say (Yeah)
We gon' make you bounce and you say (Yeah)
*Hotter?* Sweeter! Cooler? Butter!

[Outro: Jung Kook]
Get it, let it roll

Megan Thee Stallion & BTS (Bangtan Boys) - Butter tekst piosenki

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Kadr z teledysku Butter tekst piosenki BTS (Bangtan Boys) feat. Megan Thee Stallion
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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