Tekst piosenki: If this is goodbye Britton

Britton - If this is goodbye

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Tekst piosenki If this is goodbye

Finally hit the ground
I'm at the bottom now
Never thought I could be this low
Felt like falling down an endless hole
No, I don't see the light
And I don't hear God
Crawling in the dark
Now my limbs are cold
Screaming out "Help" but it just echoes

Only one way out of here
I don't think I can reach it
Everything I hold dear
Erased by all of my demons
My sorry is sincere

I've just lost all of my reasons
Reasons left to stay

So, if this is goodbye
Please, don't count my cry as a sin
No, I don't wanna die
But it keeps getting harder to live
And I put up a fight
But now I've got nothing to give
So, if this is goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I hope someday to see you again

There's nothing you could've said
Nothing you could've done different
It was always between me and my head
Never meant to hurt you in the process
But I just can't keep holding on
Wish I could believe that things will get better
Wish I could just flip a switch in my mind
Then I could fix how I feel altogether
Then I could mean it when I say I'm fine
It's never that easy and neither is life
Don't think I wanted to leave you behind
I tried, I tried, I tried

So, if this is goodbye
Please, don't count my cry as a sin
No, I don't wanna die
But it keeps getting harder to live
And I put up a fight
But now I've got nothing to give
Nothing, nothing
So, if this is goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
I hope someday to see you again

If this is goodbye
I'll see you
If this is goodbye

Open up my eyes
I don't know where I am
And everything is blurry
My mom's holding my hand
Turns out I was in a hurry
But God had other plans
He said my goodbye was early
Now I've got a second chance

Britton - If this is goodbye tekst piosenki

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