Tekst piosenki: WY@ Brent Faiyaz

Tekst piosenki WY@

I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real
That's why I always think I'm through for real
After this time I'll be through for real
I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real
That's why I always think I'm through for real
After this time I'll be through for real

Voy a estar aquí para tí, para siempre
Te estoy esperando con mis piernas abiertas y mi corazón abierto
Me acuerdo de tu sabor en mi boca
Nadie me hace temblar como tú
Quiero que me comas como ese helado que tanto te gusta
Besitos, papi

[Verse 1]
Even I know you bring no good for me
But you feel so good to me
Every time I come back I try to leave
So how you end up back with me?
Oh (I don't know)
This ain't what I want, this is something else
Something that ain't good for my health
I've been searching but I can't get no help
I don't feel like myself, oh

I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real
That's why I always think I'm through for real (Ooh, oh-oh)
After this time I'll be through for real
After this time I'll be through for real (Through for real)
I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real
That's why I always think I'm through for real (Where you at?)
After this time I'll be through for real (Bring me that—)
After this time I'll be through for real

[Verse 2]
I can feel them walls closing
I can feel it all
I'm stuck in your claws
Try to run but I don't get far
I'ma put some blame on me
Tryna take accountability
But you take on my ability
You're the death of me and a remedy
I've been doing too much

I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real
That's why I always think I'm through for real (Oh)
After this time I'll be through for real (Ooh)
After this time I'll be through for real
I've been doing shit I really shouldn't do for real (I've been doing shit I shouldn't do)
That's why I always think I'm through for real (Baby, where you at?)
After this time I'll be through for real (Bring me that—)
After this time I'll be through for real

Brent Faiyaz - WY@ Tekst piosenki

WY@ Brent Faiyaz - WY@ tekstowo WY@ o czym jest piosenka WY@ Brent Faiyaz - WY@ Tekst WY@ Brent Faiyaz WY@ słowa Brent Faiyaz - WY@ Text

Album: BF3* (2024)

Teledysk do piosenki

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki WY@
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku WY@ tekst piosenki Brent Faiyaz


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