Blue Material - Superstar
Tekst piosenki Superstar
Runaway, in the silence of your second wind
You're a superstar now
And your out for the win
No reason to try and hide it
You crashed the silver sedan
Our future is here but it's slipping thru our hands
Runaway, thru the battle of your own defeat
You're a superstar now
And you're out for the win
The hour came for the next move
In a dream running on the sand
Our time is here but it's slipping thru our hands
And I know it wasn't right
But here I am
When I look into the pale blue sky
I know it's gonna turn, know it's gonna turn
Lost it all in the fire that night
I swear I saw it burn, swear I saw it burn
Runaway in the silence of your empty dream
Got a bodyguard now
But who's there, who's there for him?
Blue Material - Superstar tekst piosenki
Superstar Blue Material - Superstar tekstowo Superstar o czym jest piosenka Superstar Blue Material - Superstar Tekst Superstar Blue Material Superstar słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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