Blue Material - Personal
Tekst piosenki Personal
It's not your fault
Don't take it personal, personal
I've got to walk around you
Don't take it personal, personal
She's going off on me
I'll take the worst of it worst of it
Til' then its ttyl
You'll be the first to know, first to know
You're still running with the same size waveform
You're still making the mistakes while
Someone exits through the backroom
I'd rather be the one to dwell upon this feeling
Seconds into thirds, makes me understand this
Already took me off your gaze
Reading me so wrong thesе days
But baby we can find the freedom in this stage
Blue Material - Personal tekst piosenki
Personal Blue Material - Personal tekstowo Personal o czym jest piosenka Personal Blue Material - Personal Tekst Personal Blue Material Personal słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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