Blue Café - Reflection
Tekst piosenki Reflection
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Reflection po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Reflection of a loveOver time oohoo
Shows the joy
And the beauty
Of life
Reflection of a love
Over time oohoo
Reflection of a love
In my life
You know why
I’m hanging on
All the while
It’s breaking me, breaking me
You know why
I rise and fall
Standing through it all
Life, I love you and hate you
I cry when I can’t seem to get by
I see good in what you do
So I will be fine
So, Reflection of a love
Over time oohoo
It fills those empty spaces
Deep inside (hey)
Reflection of a love
Over time oohoo
Shining bright as the stars
In the sky
You know why
I’m hanging on
All the while
It’s breaking me, breaking me
You know why
I rise and fall
Standing through it all
Life, I love you and hate you
I cry when I can’t seem to get by
I see good in what you do
So I will be fine
What You do, Still love You
I don’t care, I don’t care
What You do, Still love You
I don’t, I don’t, I don’t care
Life, I love you and hate you
I cry when I can’t seem to get by
I see good in what you do
So I will be fine
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Reflection na polski 🇵🇱 »
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