Blenders - O to chodzi tłumaczenie tekstu

O to chodzi po polsku

« Przejdź do oryginalnej wersji tekstu piosenki O to chodzi

Let me give you an example, we have Saturday Night
And there will be no beautiful girls or 100 gigabytes
They walk towards us and say: they are here themselves
And I like it, I like both

If I have pocket money, I won't call you Mike yet
Visitors from space will fly like Laika
Everyone says to me, look, there's nothing left
Honey, can we go to your place together?

That's okay
And that's it
That's okay
And that's it

In another club, another time, the DJ said that
I feel like you have to play instead of me today
Eight I go to the page with the coloring book
Tomek, Sławek, Nosek each luu yuck

That's okay
And that's it
That's okay
And that's it

And now when I wake up slightly dry
All the money was gone
The phone is broken
You would need walls and curtains
I'm all scratched up
I was in love

That's okay
And that's it
That's okay
And that's it

That's okay
And that's it
That's okay
And that's it

Blenders - O to chodzi tłumaczenie tekstu piosenki

Blenders - O to chodzi tekst po polsku O to chodzi o czym jest piosenka O to chodzi Blenders - O to chodzi polskie słowa O to chodzi Blenders O to chodzi co znaczy

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Źródło: tekstowo.pl