Tekst piosenki Triumph
I started in a guarded placeI was young, full of faith
No one even knew my name
But still, I chased, ran the race
Do you know what I′ve been through?
I've felt forsaken with lost truths
Do you know what I′ve been through?
Do you know what I've been through?
Oh, I can taste triumph
With the heart of a lion (lion)
Oh, I will stand with giants
'Cause I can taste triumph (triumph)
I started in a guarded place
The more I pushed, the more I gained
Do you know what I′ve been through?
I′ve felt forsaken with lost truths
Do you know what I've been through?
Oh, I′ve been through
Oh, I've been through
Oh, I can taste triumph
With the heart of a lion (lion)
Oh, I will stand with giants
′Cause I can taste triumph (triumph)
Oh, 'cause I′ve been through it all
Seen every giant fall
I can face 'em all
Yeah, I can face 'em all
I′ve been through it all
Seen every giant fall
I can face ′em all
Yeah, I can face 'em all
I can taste triumph
I can taste triumph (triumph)
I can taste triumph
Oh, I′m trying
Oh, I'm trying (triumph)
Oh, I can taste triumph
Oh, I can taste triumph
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