Tekst piosenki: You Still Got Me Beth Hart

Tekst piosenki You Still Got Me

He asked me if I need a hug
I said I got nothin' inside left to love and then he said
But baby you still got, baby you still got me

Then he asked me if I need a friend
To have and to hold until the bitter end
Cuz I got you and baby baby baby baby baby
You still got me

There'll be sweet dreams waiting to come true
If you let me in, if you ask me to
Sweet songs that will live on and on
If you let me in, if you ask me to
I will love you strong, but if you can't get free
You still got me

He asked me to lay in his arms
But I was afraid of being harmed and then he said
But baby now, baby now you got me

Then he asked me if I would stay
All night and all goddamn day
Cuz I got you and baby baby baby baby baby baby
You still got me

There'll be sweet dreams waiting to come true
If you let me in, if you ask me to
Sweet songs that will live on and on
If you let me in, if you ask me to
I will love you strong, but if you can't get free
You still got me

There'll be sweet dreams now waiting to come true
If you let me in, if you ask me to
There are sweet songs that will live on and on
If you let me in, if you ask me to
I will love you strong, but if you can't get free
You still got me
You still got me
You still got me

You still got me

He asked me if I need a hug
I said I got nothin' inside left to love, then he said
Baby you know
You still got me

Beth Hart - You Still Got Me Tekst piosenki

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You Still Got Me

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You Still Got Me

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki You Still Got Me
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku You Still Got Me tekst piosenki Beth Hart


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