Tekst piosenki: Drunk On Valentine Beth Hart

Beth Hart - Drunk On Valentine

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Tekst piosenki Drunk On Valentine

Sunday apple wine
Drunk on valentine
In his easy chair
I'm lite as a feather

Slipping off my dress
The one he likes best
With jasmine in my hair
I'm soft as powder

My blue, blue all the time
My blue valentine
Cryin' for you is all that I do
But cryin' feels just like flyin'
I'm drunk on valentine

The sun may never shine
The rose may never climb
But you always got my fine
Wild cherries on your mind

Been dripping from the moon
I've been all afternoon
Melting in your hands
Like smooth jelly, slow jam

My blue, blue all the time
My blue valentine
Cryin' for you is all that I do
But cryin' feels just like flyin'
I'm drunk on valentine

There will never come a day
I don't cry for you this way
And thank the Lord above
For giving me goddamn good love

Like ribbons in the sky
Like birds of paradise
Your beauty so profound
Not even the rain can make a sound

My blue, blue all the time
My blue valentine
Cryin' for you, that's what I like to do
'Cause cryin' feels just like flyin'

Sunday apple wine
Drunk on valentine
In his easy chair
Lite as a feather

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Drunk On Valentine

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Drunk On Valentine

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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Drunk On Valentine tekst piosenki Beth Hart


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