Tekst piosenki: Death Wish Love Benson Boone

Benson Boone - Death Wish Love

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Tekst piosenki Death Wish Love

One, two, one, two, three

[Verse 1]
How could something so delicate also be dangerous?
Kind of afraid of it, darling, believe me
I'm just praying you keep me
And you look like an angel there, you and your braided hair
Oh, it's just so unfair, you'll never see
You've got a hold on me

And it feels like suicide, lookin' into your eyes
I get so terrified that I'm gonna lose you
And I'll die if I do

It's a death wish, love
Take my heart, I'll let you spill my blood
Cut me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to death
On and on, and only you can kill me now
I'll scream your name until my lungs givе out
Pull me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to dеath
Love you for as long as I get

[Verse 2]
The way that you make me laugh
Nobody else does that
You've got the upper hand
And if you squeeze, I would fall to my knees

And I'll ask the stars at night how I could slow the time
God, I'm so terrified that I'm gonna lose you
And I'll die if I do

It's a death wish, love
Take my heart, I'll let you spill my blood
Cut me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to death
On and on, and only you can kill me now
I'll scream your name until my lungs give out
Pull me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to death
I'll love you for as long as I get

Oh, I'm gonna love you to death
Oh, I'm gonna run 'til I wreck
Go until there's none of me left
No, there's nothing of me left
Oh, I'm gonna love you to death
Oh, I'm gonna run 'til I wreck
Go until there's nothing left

It's a death wish, love
Take my heart, I'll let you spill my blood
Cut me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to death
On and on, and only you can kill me now
I'll scream your name until my lungs give out
Pull me down again
I love you, and I'll love you to death
Love you for as long as I get

Oh, as long as I get

Benson Boone - Death Wish Love tekst piosenki

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Death Wish Love

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Death Wish Love

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takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Death Wish Love tekst piosenki Benson Boone


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